CCF Young Computer Scientists & Engineers Forum
长沙 西安 武汉 东北大区
于2018年8月18日(星期六) 8:30-12:00 举行
会 议 程 序
8:00-8:20 签 到
8:20-8:30 嘉宾致辞
第一阶段 特邀报告
8:30-9:10 金耀初(Yaochu Jin) 英国萨里大学教授,IEEE Fellow,长江学者
IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems主编
Complex & Intelligent Systems主编
报告题目:Data-driven surrogate-assisted evolutionary optimization of expensive optimization problems
9:10-9:50 Kay Chen Tan 香港城市大学教授, IEEE Fellow
IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation主编
报告题目:Differential Evolution-based Methods for Numerical Optimization
9:50-10:30 何海波 美国罗德岛大学教授, IEEE Fellow
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems主编
报告题目: AlphaGo Zero and Beyond: Integrated Learning and Control for Machine Intelligence
10:30-10:50 合影/茶歇
10:50-11:30 Qingfu Zhang 香港城市大学教授, IEEE Fellow,长江讲座教授
11:30-12:00 公茂果 西安电子科技大学教授、国家优秀青年科学基金获得者、YOCSEF西安主席
执行主席:许 莹 湖南大学信息科学与工程学院副教授,YOCSEF长沙主席
执行主席:肖 晟 湖南大学信息科学与工程学院副教授,YOCSEF长沙学术委员
金耀初 (Yaochu Jin)是英国萨里大学计算科学系“计算智能”首席教授, “自然计算与应用”研究组主任,萨里大学“数学与计算生物学中心”共同负责人。IEEE Fellow,IEEE Distinguished Lecturer,教育部“长江学者奖励计划”讲座教授,芬兰国家技术创新局“芬兰讲座教授"。分别于1988、1991及1996年在浙江大学电机系获学士、硕士及博士学位,并于2001年在德国波鸿鲁尔大学神经信息研究所获工学博士学位。金耀初教授主要研究领域为进化优化、进化多目标学习、进化发育系统和自组织系统。目前担任IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems主编,Complex & Intelligent Systems主编。
报告摘要: This talk discusses the main challenges in data-driven surrogate-assisted evolutionary optimization of expensive problems. Fundamental issues such as surrogate model selection, surrogate model management and model training using advanced machine learning techniques in single and multi- and many-objective optimization will be discussed. Challenges in handing sparse data or big data and recent advances in surrogate-assisted optimization of high-dimensional expensive optimization problems will be presented. Finally, real-world examples of data-driven aerodynamic optimization of a ventilation system and a full-scenario airfoil optimization will be given.
特邀讲者:Kay Chen TAN
Kay Chen Tan is a full Professor with the Department of Computer Science, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. He is the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation (IF:10.629), was the EiC of IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine (2010-2013), and currently serves on the Editorial Board member of 10+ international journals. He is an elected member of IEEE CIS AdCom (2017-2019) and was an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer (2015-2017). He has published 200+ refereed articles and 5+ books. He is a Fellow of IEEE.
Differential Evolution(DE)is arguably one of the powerful metaheuristics for solving numerical optimization problems. Although considerable research has been devoted to the development and improvement of DE, there exist several open issues. This talk will discuss our recent works on designing new DE operators and algorithms to overcome limitations of existing approaches in handling single and multi-objective optimization problems. Application of the proposed DE for solving difficult minimax optimization problems will also be presented.
何海波博士是美国罗德岛大学(University of Rhode Island)的讲席教授(Robert Haas Endowed Chair Professor),智能计算与自适应系统实验室主任,IEEE Fellow。
何海波主要从事智能计算以及其在智能电网,大数据,深度学习,机器人应用等方向的研究。已出版学术著作1本,编著1本, 编著会议论文集6本,在权威学术期刊和会议上发表论文300多篇。其发表的论文在专业领域产生了深远的影响,包括IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering上高引用论文(单篇论文引用超过3000次),多篇进入Essential Science Indicators (ESI)高引用论文,IEEE Trans. Information Forensics and Security封面论文,IEEE 通信协会最佳阅读论文(IEEE Communications Society Best Readings) 等等。
何海波教授目前担任期刊IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems(影响因子:7.982)的主编 (Editor-in-Chief)。曾担任10多个IEEE 各类技术委员会主席和副主席,包括IEEE智能计算协会新兴技术委员会主席(Chair, IEEE CIS Emergent Technology Technical Committee),IEEE智能计算协会神经网络技术委员会主席(Chair, IEEE CIS Neural Network Technical Committee), IEEE智能计算智能电网副主席(Vice Chair ,IEEE CIS Smart Grid Task Force)等等。何海波教授曾获得2014年IEEE国际通信会议最佳论文奖(IEEE ICC 2014 Best Paper Award),2014年IEEE智能计算协会杰出早期职业发展成就奖(IEEE CIS Outstanding Early Career Award), 2011年美国自然科学基金委杰出青年奖(National Science Foundation CAREER Award), 2011年普罗维登斯商报评选的罗德岛州创新明星奖(Providence Business News PBN "Rising Star Innovator" Award)等。
The recently advancements in artificial intelligence, especially the mastering of the Go game from Google AlphaGo/AlphaGo Zero, has witnessed tremendous excitements worldwide from academia, industry, and government. This impressive progress not only demonstrated the power of machine learning over complicated tasks, but also provided the opportunity of artificial intelligence/computational intelligence to play a critical role in a wide range of applications.
This talk aims to discuss the recent research developments in integrated learning and control based on reinforcement learning (RL), one of the core foundations that AlphaGo/AlphaGo Zero was develop upon. Specifically, I will introduce a new RL and adaptive dynamic programing (ADP) framework for improved decision-making capability, and further explore their wide applications in cyber physical systems (CPS) across different domains. This framework integrates a hierarchical goal generator network to provide the system a more informative and detailed internal goal representation to guide its decision-making. Compared to the existing methods with a manual or “hand-crafted” reinforcement signal design, this framework can automatically and adaptively develop the internal goal representation over time. Under this framework, I will present numerous applications ranging from smart grid control to human-robot interaction to demonstrate its broader and far-reaching applications in CPS. As a multi-disciplinary research area, I will also discuss the future research challenges and opportunities in this field.
特邀讲者:Qingfu Zhang (张青富)
Qingfu Zhang is a Professor at the Department of Computer Science, City University of Hong Kong. His main research interests include evolutionary computation, optimization, neural networks, data analysis, and their applications. He is currently leading the Metaheuristic Optimization Research (MOP) Group in City University of Hong Kong. Professor Zhang is an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation and the IEEE Transactions Cybernetics. MOEA/D, a multiobjective optimization algorithm developed in his group, won the Unconstrained Multiobjective Optimization Algorithm Competition at the Congress of Evolutionary Computation 2009, and was awarded the 2010 IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation Outstanding Paper Award. He is on the list of the Thomson Reuters 2016 and 2017 highly cited researchers in computer science. He is a Fellow of IEEE. He is a Changjiang chair professor and was selected in 1000 talent program.
进化计算是计算智能的重要分支,其早期发现常受自然进化或其它生物群体行为启发。进化计算已成为众多应用领域的重要优化方法,但其理论发展严重滞后。本报告将试图讨论进化优化方法与传统优化的关系,将主要探讨如下这几个问题:1. 遗传算法与梯度法之关系,2. 蚁群算法与梯度法之关系,3. Cma-es 与牛顿法之关系,4.多目标进化算法与传统分解方法之关系。对这些关系的深入研究也许将对进化计算的进一步发展起到积极推动作用。
公茂果教授主要研究方向为计算智能理论及其在数据与影像分析中的应用。主持国家重点研发计划、国家863计划、国家自然科学基金等十余项课题,发表SCI检索论文100余篇,被引用6000余次,入选中国高被引学者,授权国家发明专利20余项,获2013年国家自然科学奖二等奖和2016年教育部自然科学奖二等奖。担任IEEE IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation、IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems等期刊编委,IEEE计算智能学会Task Force on Collaborative Learning and Optimization主席,第十/十一届BIC-TA等学术会议主席,中国人工智能学会理事等。
活动地址: 湖南省长沙市岳麓区麓山南路国家超算长沙中心
联系人:黄磊 17763630972 杨翠娟 18677381559