IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium 23-27 April 2017, Taipei, Taiwan (Paper Submission Date: 5 September 2017)
The 16th IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium (NOMS
2018) will be held 23-27 April 2018 in Taipei, Taiwan. Held in even-numbered years since 1988, NOMS 2018 will follow the 30 years tradition of NOMS and IM as the primary IEEE Communications Society's forum for technical exchange on management of information and communication technology focusing on research, development, integration, standards, service provisioning, and user communities. The theme of
NOMS2018 will be Towards Cognitive Management in a Cyber World, presenting recent, emerging approaches and technical solutions for dealing with management of Fixed Networks, Mobile Networks, Clouds, and Vertical Systems (e.g., smart cities and smart transportations, etc.) in order to enable convergence of the networked services. NOMS 2018 will offer various types of sessions: keynotes, technical, experience, demo, tutorial, poster, panel, and dissertation. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Smart Vertical Systems in the 4th Industrial Revolution Era Smart Cities Smart Grid Smart Homes Cyber‐Physical Systems Internet of Things 5G Social Networks Applications and case studies Software‐Defined Networking (SDN), Network Function Virtualization (NFV)
- Network virtualization
Control plane programmability
Data plane programmability
Management & Orchestration (MANO)
Service Function Chaining
Protocols, languages and frameworks
Open source networking (ONOS, CORD, ODL, ONAP, OSM, OVS, DPDK, etc.) Cloud native networking Case studies and practical deployments Technologies Enabling Smart Management.
- Management with Big Data
Management with AI, Deep Learning
Data, information, and semantic modeling Message and software buses Middleware, Mobile agents, Protocols Software engineering for clouds Software product lines Virtualization Web services Security Management
- Intrusion detection, intrusion prevention, intrusion response Network security Security for peer‐to‐peer and overlay networks Security for smart X and large systems and critical infrastructures Privacy and anonymity Vulnerability management Early warning Network Management & Operational Experience
- Ad‐hoc networks
Automotive and Vehicular Networks
Big Data in and for management
Broadband access networks
Cognitive Radio networks
Data Centers
Future Internet
Heterogeneous networks
Home networks
M2M networks
OSS/BSS development
Overlay networks
Personal area networks
Sensor networks
Wireless & mobile networks
Service Management
- Business management
Data center management
Data service management
Infrastructure as a Service, Management as a Service, Platform as a Service, Software as a Service IT service management Managed service provisioning Multimedia service management OTT service management Virtualized infrastructure management Functional areass
- Billing, Accounting
Configuration and Deployment
Diagnostics, Tracing, Troubleshooting
Fault management
Energy‐efficiency/green management Service Assurance Service Fulfillment Service Level Management Security Management Methodologies for Network Operations and Management
- Control theory
Data collection and aggregation
Data mining, Machine learning
Design and simulation
Economic/finance theories
Experimental approaches
Optimization theory
Probability and stochastic processes, queuing theory Risk management Software engineering methodologies Visualization Management approaches
- Autonomic and self‐management
Best practices
Centralized management
Distributed management
Integrated management
Management architectures
Organizational aspects
Policy‐based management
Process oriented management
IT service management (ITSM)
Process engineering and frameworks (ITIL, CobIT, RiskIT, ValIT)
Paper Submission
Authors are invited to submit original contributions written in English that have not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere. Papers must be formatted using the IEEE 2-column format and not exceed 8 pages (excluding references). All papers should be submitted through JEMS at
All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed. Accepted and
presented papers will be published in the conference proceedings and submitted to IEEE Xplore.
For more information on NOMS2018 and paper submissions, please visit:
Important Dates
Paper Submission: Sep. 5, 2017 Notification of Acceptance: Dec. 4, 2017 Final Camera Ready: Jan. 12, 2018 Conference date: May 23-27, 2018
Young-Tak Kim, Yeungnam University, Korea
Chih-Wei Yi, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan
Clarissa Marquezan, Huawei Technologies, Germany