CCF YOCSEF南京 于2015年04月21日(星期二)09:30 南京邮电大学三牌楼校区科研楼911室 会议安排 09:00 签到 09:30 报告会开始 特邀讲者:Dr. Jianping Pan,Professor of computer science at the University of Victoria 演讲题目:Mobile Elements in Wireless Sensor Networks 执行主席:周剑 CCF YOCSEF南京 AC委员 参加人员:IT领域专业人士、研究生、媒体、其他有兴趣者 Mobile Elements in Wireless Sensor Networks 报告提要:Data collection is one of the main applications of wirelesssensor networks. Traditional ways to such an important task use either direct transmissions to the sink node, forcing further away nodes to consume their on-board energy excessively, or multi-hop forwarding, while imposing heavy traffic to the nodes around the sink, both leading to a shorter network lifetime. Mobile elements introduce a new dimension to reducing and balancing the energy consumption of sensor nodes, however, they also increase the data collection latency due to the limited travel speed. In this talk, we present a progressive optimization approach to data collection in wireless sensor networks with mobile elements, and extend it to the scenario with multi-rate wireless communications. We also investigate the performance of data collection with mobile elements in an online scenario where the data collection requests and thus their locations only arrive progressively, and show such an approach to applications beyond data collection, such as wireless recharging. 特邀讲者:Dr. Jianping Pan Dr Jianping Pan is currently a professor of computer science at the University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. He received his Bachelor's and PhD degrees in computer science from Southeast University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China, and he did his postdoctoral research at the University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. He also worked at Fujitsu Labs and NTT Labs. His area of specialization is computer networks and distributed systems, and his current research interests include protocols for advanced networking, performance analysis of networked systems, and applied network security. He received the IEICE Best Paper Award in 2009, the Telecommunications Advancement Foundation's Telesys Award in 2010, the WCSP 2011 Best Paper Award, the IEEE Globecom 2011 Best Paper Award, the JSPS Invitation Fellowship in 2012, and the IEEE ICC 2013 Best Paper Award, and has been serving on the technical program committees of major computer communications and networking conferences including IEEE INFOCOM, ICC, Globecom, WCNC and CCNC. He is the Ad Hoc and Senor Networking Symposium Co-Chair of IEEE Globecom 2012 and an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. He is a senior member of the ACM and a senior member of the IEEE. 交通方式:公交车162路、303路、32路、45路司背后站下车。